From the Reference Group Co-Chairs

Ms Leah van Poppel.

Ms Leah van Poppel is the IAC’s Principal Member.

She is also the Reference Group Co-Chair.

This means she helps run the Reference Group.

Leah shared the work we have done since the last meeting, including work by:

3 people behind a bench that says 'IAC'.

  • the IAC

A group of people. 2 of are raising their hands. Above them are 2 speech bubbles.

  • the IAC Reference Group.

A group of people having a meeting at a table and a calender showing a tick.

She also shared that this meeting would be the last for this Reference Group.

A calendar that says '1 July 2023' and a change icon.

The Reference Group members will change from 1 July 2023.

A set of justice scales, a thumbs up and an arrow pointing up.

Leah shared the work we have done on the advice called ‘Improving Equity in the NDIS’.

She shared this with:

A minister in front of a government building

  • the Minister for the NDIS – a minister leads an area of the government.

3 people behind a bench that says 'DRMC'.

  • the Disability Reform Ministerial Council (DRMC).

The DRMC gives advice to governments about how to:

A person supporting someone else.

  • support people with disability

A person holding a clipboard. On it are a thumbs up icon and an arrow pointing up.

  • make policies better.

A policy document.

A policy is:

  • a government plan for how to do things
  • where rules come from.

Adjunct Associate Professor Jennifer Cullen.

Adjunct Associate Professor Jennifer Cullen is also the Reference Group Co-Chair.

She helps run the Reference Group.

A group of people having a meeting.

Jennifer shared that the meeting would focus on:

  • certain supports participants need
  • supporting participants to make their own decisions.

3 people behind a bench with the Aboriginal flag and the Torres Strait Islander flag on it.

She also gave an update on the work of the NDIA’s First Nations Advisory Group.

3 First Nations people beneath a problem icon. One person is raising their hand.

They are a group who will give advice to the NDIA about issues that affect First Nations peoples.