What is this Reference Group about?

A group of people. 2 are raising their hands with 2 speech bubbles above them.

A Reference Group is a group of people who give us advice about a certain topic.

An NDIS worker supporting a participant.

The Reference Group gives advice to the IAC about how the NDIS can:

  • be fair
  • give participants the same chances.

A group of participants. 2 are raising their hands.

Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

A group of people with an arrow curving around them. 2 people are raising their hands.

This includes making sure the NDIS is inclusive.

When something is inclusive, it means everyone can take part.

A group of people.

It also includes making sure the NDIS thinks about diversity.

Diversity is what makes people different from each other.

People can:

A large group of people from different backgrounds.

  • come from different places

3 speech bubbles that say 'Hello' in 3 different languages.

  • speak different languages

A group of people next to each other. One person is in a wheelchair.

  • have different abilities

A person in front of a house. Above them is an arrow that splits into 3 directions.

  • live their lives in different ways.