Word list

This list explains what the bold words in this document mean.

The accessibility icon.


When the NDIS is accessible, it is easy to:

  • find and use services
  • understand.

A news document next to an information icon.


A bulletin is an important news item we share with the community.

It explains what we did in our last meeting.

3 people working together on a large document. One person is pointing at the large document.


Co-design is when people work together to plan something new.

A diverse group of people. 2 of them are raising their hands.


Diversity is what makes people different from each other.

People can:

  • come from different places
  • speak different languages
  • have different abilities
  • live their lives in different ways.

A guardian supporting a person.


A guardian is a person who acts and makes decisions for you.

Your guardian might be:

  • a member of your family
  • a friend
  • chosen for you by the government.

A group of people with an arrow curving around them. 2 people are raising their hands.


When something is inclusive, it means everyone can take part.

A person raising their hand beneath a Venn diagram.


You can be different in more than one way.

And people might treat you differently for each part of who you are.

We call this intersectionality.

A group of people and the rainbow pride flag.


The letters LGBTIQA stand for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer or questioning and asexual.

The ‘+’ is for people who are part of the LGBTIQA+ community but don’t talk about themselves using a word from this list.

An NDIS document, a magnifying glass and a government building.

NDIS Review

The Australian Government is checking the NDIS to find out what:

  • works well
  • could be better.

They call it the NDIS Review.

A group of participants.


Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

A policy document.


A policy is:

  • a government plan for how to do things
  • where rules come from.

3 providers.


Providers deliver services to people with disability.

A person supporting someone else. Above them is a brain icon and a sad face in a thought bubble.

Psychosocial disability

A psychosocial disability affects your mental health.

It can affect how you:

  • think
  • feel
  • deal with other people.

A group of people. 2 are raising their hands with 2 speech bubbles above them.

Reference Group

A Reference Group is a group of people who give us advice about a certain topic.

A person in restraints next to a locked padlock.

Restrictive practices

Restrictive practices are actions that stop people from:

  • moving
  • doing what they want.

A person supporting someone. Above both of them is a thought bubble showing a box with a tick.

Supported decision-making

Supported decision-making is when someone helps you make important decisions about your life and how you will live.

An icon of a person next to their birth certificate. On their birth certificate is a symbol for male, while they have their hand raised with a speech bubble. In the speech bubble is a symbol for female.


If you are transgender, your gender identity is different now to what you were given when you were born.

A person with their hands on their head next to an emergency icon. Above them is a thought bubble showing the person crying.


Trauma is something bad that happens to you that can make you feel:

  • scared
  • stressed
  • worried.