Update on our advice
Reference Group members looked at the IAC’s new advice about participants who are getting older. |
Members shared that the title of the IAC’s advice should include the age range of participants. |
Members also shared that the age for the advice should start at 45 years old. |
This is because: |
Members explained that some participants need support to make a decision to move into aged care. |
They should make this decision based on what they need. And not on their age. |
Members also explained that most of the time aged care gets less funding than the NDIS. |
This means people who need more support might not get enough support if they move into aged care. |
Members shared that as carers get older, people with disability might need to start looking after their carer. |
Some people don’t know they have a disability until they are more than 40 years old. |
Members explained that the NDIA should know how to support these people if they have experienced trauma. |
Members shared that participants who move into aged care might not be able to keep working if they can’t get NDIS supports. |
Members also shared that some providers offer both:
Providers support people with disability by delivering a service. |
This can help participants move into aged care if they use the same provider. But this can also cause a conflict of interest. |
A conflict of interest is when someone could affect a decision so the result is better for them. |