Our Engagement Guide

A document showing a tick, a cross and a list.

Our Engagement Guide is a list of rules about how we will run our Reference Group meeting.

A group of people around a table, with a speech bubble showing an up arrow on a thumbs up.

Reference Group members explained how the NDIA can make it easier for people with intellectual disability to take part in meetings.

An Easy Read document icon.

Members shared that the NDIA should provide Easy Read documents for meetings.

Members explained that the NDIA should make sure meetings:

A person supporting someone to have their say.

  • support people to have their say

A diverse group of people with their hands raised, and a safety icon.

  • are safe for people from different backgrounds.

2 people at a table. One has a speech bubble with a tick.

Members shared that everyone in meetings should:

  • talk slow
  • not use big words.

Members explained that meetings should have more:

A cup of tea and biscuits, with an up arrow.

  • breaks

3 groups of 3 people, with a speech bubble.

  • time for people to talk about ideas in smaller groups.

Members shared that the NDIA should make sure people have support to:

A woman is helping a man get out of a van and into a wheelchair.

  • get to meetings

A group of people listening to someone speak in a meeting.

  • take part in meetings.