Our reports

2 community members having a conversation with a Reference Group member. Above the 2 community members is a problem icon inside a speech bubble.

The Reference Group connected with the community to find out about issues that affect them.

A Reference Group member having a conversation with an NDIA worker. Above the reference group member is a problem icon inside a speech bubble.

The Reference Group members shared these issues with the NDIA.

What did the reports talk about?

NDIS plans

2 people with disability next to an NDIS document, with a cross icon.

Reference Group members worry that some people with disability are not taking part in the NDIS.

A pen filling out an Access Request From, with a cross icon.

This is because some people with disability don’t always fill out their Access Request Form in the right way.

An Access Request Form is a form you fill out to apply for the NDIS.

2 NDIA workers facing a participant at a table. Next to them is an arrow pointing up.

Members shared that there should be more face‑to-face meetings with participants.

A group of participants. 2 are raising their hands.

Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS. 

A person with their hand up to protect a participant. The participant looks worried.

This will support participants who may be at risk of harm.

Members explained that some young people don’t have many documents that:

A person with their hand up next to a passport and a Medicare card, with a cross icon.

  • show who they are

A document showing a picture of someone and information about them.

  • include their personal information.

A young person with their hand up, and an NDIS document with a problem icon.

This can make it harder for young people to take part in the NDIS.

NDIS services and supports

A participant using a phone, with a thought bubble showing a phone and a problem icon.

Reference Group members shared that some participants find it hard to contact the NDIA.

A participant with a speech bubble showing a change icon, and a problem icon.

This means participants find it harder to share important changes about their lives.

Members worry that some participants with intellectual disability don’t have enough choice and control over:

A hand with cross icon choosing between a cooking icon, a transport icon and a support worker icon.

  • how they receive supports

A hand with a cross choosing between a day centre icon and a home icon.

  • where they receive supports.

For example, at home or at a day program.

An NDIS document with a cross and a money icon.

Members explained that some participants don’t use their NDIS funding.

Funding is the money you get from your NDIS plan that pays for the supports you need.

4 different support workers, with a cross icon.

This is because participants can’t find good support workers.

A document titled 'Plan' showing a person supporting another person.

Members shared that support workers should have better training to follow behaviour support plans.

A behaviour support plan is a document with steps for improving behaviour.

A group of 3 icons: a skills icon, study icon and a lightbulb, with a dollar sign.

Members explained that the NDIA should think about how they manage money for supports that build skills.

A participant doing physical therapy, and a dollar sign.

The NDIA should also think about how participants can use the funding in their NDIS plans for therapy.

A person getting help from a counsellor.

Therapy includes different types of support that can help:

  • how you think and feel
  • your body to move better.

A provider and a document showing a home support icon, with an up arrow on an information icon.

Members shared that the NDIA should share more information on good home and living supports with providers.

A group of 3 providers.

Providers support people who take part in the NDIS by delivering a service.


A document titled complaint showing a thumbs down in a speech bubble, with a problem icon.

Reference Group members worry it’s too hard to make a complaint about a provider.

A person with their hand up, and a speech bubble showing a thumbs down.

When you make a complaint, you tell someone that something:

  • has gone wrong
  • isn’t working well.

A person with their hand up, and a speech bubble showing a problem icon.

This makes it hard to get providers to take responsibility when they do the wrong thing.

A provider and a participant outside an aged care building, and a down arrow on the number 65.

Members explained that some providers try to move participants into aged care before they turn 65 years old.

This happens to participants with:

2 people pointing to themselves. Above them are icons for intellectual disability, including icons of a lightbulb, a gear and a brain.

  • intellectual disability

A heart beat icon and a problem icon above a man with an arrow pointing to an older version of himself.

  • illnesses that affect you as you get older.

2 buildings with ramps beside each other on the street, with a problem icon.

Members shared that some providers build specialist disability accommodation (SDA) too close to other SDA.

A house with a ramp, and a disability icon.

SDA is housing for people with disability who need a lot of support. 

A person with disability away from a large group of people.

When providers build SDA too close together, it can separate people with disability from the community.

A provider supporting someone, and a problem icon.

Members also shared that most participants find it hard to find providers who can support them in the justice system.

A prison building, a gavel, a police officer and a law document.

Our justice system includes:

  • prisons
  • the courts
  • police
  • the law.

A support worker with their hand up, and a thumbs down icon.

Members worry that some support workers don’t always do the right thing.

For example, some support workers will just watch over people with disability.

A support worker supporting someone, with a cross icon.

This means people with disability don’t get all the support they need.

A young participant holding their NDIS plan and being supported by a worker. The worker has a thought bubble showing the worker holding the NDIS plan.

Members explained that some providers want to take control of young participants’ NDIS plans.

A young person standing away from a group of people in front of a house with a ramp, and a cross icon.

This happens to young participants who don’t get much support from people in their community.

A stack of calendars and 3 people standing in front of a building, with a dollar sign.

Members shared that some organisations should have funding that lasts for a long time.

This includes organisations that help people with disability speak up for themselves.

An NDIA worker helping someone make a decision.

This will help make sure participants get the support they need to make their own decisions.