4. Sharing clear and accessible information

A person holding a clipboard with an information icon on it.

We will share clear information about how our work is going.

A group of people with circle-shaped arrow surrounding them.

And we will provide accessible information about our work.

When information is accessible, everyone can find and use it.

We will share this information with the:

Three people standing behind a lectern with the badge NDIA

  • NDIA

A group of people with their hands raised together.

  • community.

A document with an information icon it, and an Easy Read translation next to it, with a tick.

We will always share information in other formats, including:

  • plain English
  • Easy Read.

This will make sure everyone can find out about the work we do.

A computer icon with an accessibility symbol on it and a tick.

We will also update our website to make sure it is accessible.