How to use this plan

A person talking in a meeting.

The Independent Advisory Council (the Council) gives advice about ways to make the NDIS better.

A group of people. There is a woman at the front of the group, she is holding a card that says "we".

The Council wrote this plan.

When you see the word ‘we’, it means the Council.

Easy Read document icon with a tick.

We wrote this plan in an easy to read way.

We use pictures to explain some ideas.

The words "Bold" and "Not Bold".

We wrote some important words in bold.

This means the letters are thicker and darker.

Word list icon.

We explain what these bold words mean.

You can find out what they mean in the Word list.

Summary icon.

This Easy Read plan is a summary of another plan.

This means it only includes the most important ideas.

Website icon with "www."

You can find the other plan on our website.

A woman is helping a man read a document.

You can ask for help to read our plan. A friend, family member or support person may be able to help you.