What is this plan about?

A person holding up a clipboard with a Plan icon it.

We wrote a new Work Plan for 2022–23.

A plan icon.

Our Work Plan talks about the work we will do each year.

A group of people with a speech bubble above.

Most of the work we do is giving advice.

Advice is ideas about how to make things better.

3 people behind a panel labelled 'NDIA'.

We give advice to the NDIA Board about how to make the NDIS better.

A group of people in a meeting. Two people are shaking hands across the table.

A Board is a group of people who make decisions for:

  • an organisation
  • a company.

Our work helps make sure the NDIA focuses on the voices of:

A group of people together. The person in the front is in a wheel chair

  • participants – people with disability who take part in the NDIS

A group of smiling people, including a young person.

  • their families and carers.

Icon of the NDIS Act, showing a law symbol.

Our work also supports the goals of the NDIS Act.

The NDIS Act is a law that explains how the NDIS works.

A calendar saying 1 July 2022 with an arrow pointing to another calendar saying 30 June 2023. There is an importance icon nearby.

Our Work Plan includes key issues Council Members want to focus on between:

  • 1 July 2022
  • 30 June 2023.

A goals icon with a calendar icon saying 4 years.

It includes important ideas from the NDIA Corporate Plan.

The Corporate Plan explains the goals for the NDIS over the next 4 years.

A website icon.

You can find an Easy Read version of the Corporate Plan on the NDIS website.

www.ndis.gov.au/about-us/publications/ corporate-plan

A person wearing a tie, and parliament house.

Our Work Plan also includes ideas the Minister for the NDIS wants to focus on.

A minister leads an area of the government.

The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. There is also an importance icon.

We have grouped what we will work on into 6 key areas.

In this plan we explain what we will do for each area.