What happened at the meeting?

Leah van Poppel.

Leah van Poppel ran the meeting.

She is the IAC’s Principal Member.

She’s also a member of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) Board.

We just call them the NDIA Board.

3 people behind a bench that has 'NDIA' printed on it.

The NDIA Board is a group of people who make decisions about all parts of the NDIA.

A calendar that reads '21 September 2023'.

We held the meeting on 21 September 2023.

Leah van Poppel with a speech bubble. In the speech bubble are the words 'Thank you'.

Leah thanked the organisations who met with the IAC the day before this meeting.

They included:

A group of NDIA workers.

  • the NDIA

3 people behind a bench that has 'VDAC' printed on it.

  • the Victorian Disability Advisory Council (VDAC).

3 people behind a bench that has 'VDAC' printed on it. Above them is a speech bubble and a disability icon.

VDAC gives advice to governments about how to better support people with disability in Victoria.

Leah van Poppel with a speech bubble. In the speech bubble are the words 'Thank you'.

Leah also thanked the Disability Advocacy Resource Unit for their work about issues with the NDIS.

A person supporting someone with disability to have their say.

The Disability Advocacy Resource Unit is an organisation that supports people with disability to have their say.

A calendar that reads '30 June 2023' with a tick next to it.

Leah shared that some IAC Members finished their work on 30 June 2023.

A star with the word 'New' on it above 2 members.

We are still waiting to know who the new IAC Members will be.

And we know this wait affects some IAC Members.

A magnifying glass over an NDIS plan. A speech bubble next to the plan has a glowing lightbulb in it.

Leah told IAC Members that the NDIS Review will share their ideas soon.

A government building, an NDIS plan and a magnifying glass.

The Australian Government is checking the NDIS to find out what:

  • works well
  • could be better.

They call it the NDIS Review.

A person holding a sign with a glowing lightbulb on it.

And she told IAC Members the Disability Royal Commission will also share their ideas soon.

2 thought bubbles coming out of a government building. One thought bubble has a thumbs down and the other thought bubble has a tool icon.

A royal commission is how the government looks into a big problem.

It helps us find out what:

  • went wrong
  • we can fix.

A Work Plan document with a tick on it.

Leah explained that the IAC plans to have a meeting about these ideas to support their Work Plan.

The Work Plan is a document that explains what the Reference Group will work on.

Leah van Poppel with a speech bubble. In the speech bubble are the words 'Thank you'.

Leah also thanked the team who helps lead the NDIA for their work with the IAC.

Ms Rebecca Falkingham and Ms Corri McKenzie.

This includes:

  • Ms Rebecca Falkingham, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Ms Corri McKenzie, Deputy CEO.

Update on the IAC’s advice and work

Leah shared an update since our 10 August 2023 meeting on the IAC’s:

An 'Advice' booklet with a pen writing on it.

  • advice

A group of people meeting at a table.

  • work.

A group of IAC workers with a speech bubble that has an 'Advice' booklet in it.

She told IAC Members that the IAC will finish their advice on behaviour supports soon.

A large group of people meeting at a bench.

She also told IAC Members that all 4 of the Reference Groups have met since their new members started.

A group of people beneath 2 speech bubbles. 2 people are raising their hands.

A Reference Group is a group of people who give us advice about a certain topic.

A 'Work Plan' document and a calendar that reads '18 months'.

Leah shared that all the Reference Groups are working on their Work Plan.

This includes what they plan to work on for the next 18 months.

A silhouette of a person with a question mark above them. Next to the silhouette is a reference group.

And that the IAC will choose Co-Chairs for each Reference Group soon.