Word list

This list explains what the bold words in this document mean.

Accessibility icon.


When something is accessible, anyone can:

find and use it

travel around.

News document icon with an information icon next to it.


A bulletin is an important news item we share with the community.

It explains what we did in our last meeting.

A child icon on a safety icon.

Child protection system

The child protection system is how governments protect children at risk of harm.

3 people working on a project.


Co-design is when people work together to plan something new.

3 people standing together in a group.


A committee is a group of people who meet to talk about ideas.

NDIS document icon with a dollar sign.


Funding is money from your plan that pays for the supports and services you need.

Grant document icon and a government icon.


A grant is money from the government to pay for important work that can help others in the community.

A group of diverse people with an arrow curving around them.


When the NDIS is inclusive, everyone feels:

  • included
  • like they belong.

Individualised Living Options icon.

Individualised Living Options (ILO)

ILO is a way of setting up the support you want at home.

A woman supporting a person next to a dollar sign icon and an ILC program icon. A curving arrows points from the dollar sign to the ILC program icon and a curving arrow points from the ILC program icon to the 2 people.

Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) program

The ILC program gives grants to organisations that support people with disability.

Justice system icon with a law document, a police officer and a gavel.

Justice system

The justice system includes police, the courts, the law and prisons.

A person in front of a government building. There is a disability icon in the corner.


A minister leads an area of government.

An icon of 3 people standing behind a panel saying NDIA.

NDIA Board

The NDIA Board is a group of people who make decisions about all parts of the NDIA.

The NDIS Commission.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

The NDIS Commission makes sure participants:

  • are safe
  • get good services.

A group of diverse participants.


Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

A person with a service provider, who is holding a clipboard.


Providers deliver services and supports to people with disability.

Parliament House and an NDIS document with a review icon.


When the Australian Government reviews something, they check to see what:

  • works well
  • can be better.

A Specialist Disability Accommodation house with a disability icon.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

SDA is accessible housing for people with disability.

A strategy document.


A strategy is a plan for how they will do things in the future.

Support coordinator icon.

Support coordination

Support coordination helps participants manage the supports in their plan.