What did our Council Members share?

A diverse group of people, with a problem icon.

Our Council Members connect with the community to find out about issues that affect them.

A group of 3 women talking together about problems or issues.

Our Council Members shared these issues with the NDIA.

NDIS plans

A group of diverse participants.

Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

Website icon with a guidelines document opened.

There are examples on the NDIS website to help participants know what they can get funding for.

We call them our guidelines.

You can find our guidelines on our website.


A woman thinking and a website icon with a guidelines document opened and cross icon.

Council Members worry that some examples are not true for all participants.

For example, when people live far away from cities and towns.


A person with a service provider, who is holding a clipboard.

Providers deliver services and supports to people with disability.

Council Members explained that it is harder for some providers to join the NDIS.

For example:

A person with a First Nations service provider, who is holding a clipboard.

  • First Nations providers

A person with a service provider, who is holding a clipboard. They are in a rural area.

  • providers far away from cities and towns.

The NDIS Commission.

Council Members shared that too many people don’t know what the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission does.

We call it the NDIS Commission.

The NDIS Commission makes sure participants:

A woman in a wheelchair pointing to herself with a safety icon.

  • are safe

Services icon with a thumbs up icon.

  • get good services.

A Specialist Disability Accommodation house with a thumbs down and disability icon.

Council Members also shared that some Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is not good enough.

A Specialist Disability Accommodation house with a disability icon.

SDA is accessible housing for people with disability.

Accessibility icon.

When something is accessible, anyone can:

  • find and use it
  • travel around.

A man thinking with a risk icon.

Members worry that participants are at risk.

Reviewing how much services cost

An NDIS working supporting a woman with a dollar sign and question mark icon.

Every year the NDIA reviews how much NDIS supports cost.

They want to make sure the NDIS can last a long time.

A woman writing on a clipboard next to a Individualised Living Options icon.

People worry the NDIA won’t review Individualised Living Options (ILO) costs this year.

Individualised Living Options icon.

ILO is a way of setting up the support you want at home.

An ILO support holding a clipboard and a dollar sign icon with an arrow pointing up.

It will get harder to pay for ILO supports because workers will cost more.

This means ILO supports might not last a long time.

Calendar that says '3 years', an NDIS document with a dollar sign and arrow pointing up, and a cross.

People worry that funding for support coordination has not gone up for 3 years.

Support coordinator icon.

Support coordination helps participants manage the supports in their plan.

A woman touching her head and looking confused. Next to her is a support coordinator icon.

This makes it hard for small providers to offer support coordination.

A man writing on a document. Above him is a Specialist Disability Accommodation house with a dollar sign and question mark icon.

The NDIS will also review how much SDA costs.

Council Members think this gives the NDIA a chance to make SDA better.

What the community thinks

NDIS document icon with a dollar sign.

Some people think participants use too much funding.

Rules document with a list of ticks and crosses. Next to the document is a tick icon.

But we know they follow the rules.

An image of Bill Shorten.

The Honourable Bill Shorten is the Minister for the NDIS.

A minister icon in front of a government building.

A minister leads an area of government.

The minister supporting a woman with a thumbs up icon.

Council Members shared how the Minister has done a good job showing the community he supports participants.

How the NDIA works

2 men greeting each other and shaking hands. Above them are three icons of intellectual disability - a lightbulb, cogs and a brain.

Council Members think the NDIA should hire more people with intellectual disability.

This shows other organisations they can too.

A person on the phone and a clock with an arrow curving around it.

People shared they have to wait a long time when they call the NDIS.

And they might not get answers to their questions.

A man asking a man a question. Above them is a document with a tick, a cross an a review icon.

The NDIA should tell people how to ask the NDIA to review the decision if they can’t use the NDIS.

And they should tell them in writing.

A man using a computer. Above him is an icon of a person, speech bubble, CV and a degree.

People also shared that some people have trouble finding and keeping workers with the right skills.

This includes:

  • participants
  • providers.

Working with governments

A government building in front of a map of Australia.

Council Members think the NDIA should do more work with state and territory governments.

They need to make better ways to support participants in the:

  • child protection system
  • justice system.

A child icon on a safety icon.

The child protection system is how governments protect children at risk of harm.

Justice system icon with a law document, a police officer and a gavel.

The justice system includes:

  • police
  • the courts
  • the law
  • prisons.