Reviewing the NDIS

An NDIS document with a magnifying glass in front of a government building

The government wants to review the NDIS to check how well it supports participants.

When the government reviews something, they check to see what:

A woman with her arm up. A green rosette with a tick is in a speech bubble

  • works well

A person holding a sign with thumbs down and an arrow pointing to a  thumbs up

  • can be better.

A document with Terms of Reference on it

The Reference Group explained that the government needs to share the terms of reference they will use.

The terms of reference is a list of things the NDIA want to focus on.

An NDIS document with a magnifying glass

This will help the Reference Group understand what the parts of the NDIS the government will review.

People with their arms up in front of an NDIS Document with a magnifying glass.

They also shared they want to take part in reviewing the NDIS.

A group of people with a speech bubble containing a light bulb

The Reference Group shared that this is a good chance for the community to share new ideas.

A group of people pointing at a screen

They also told us the government should include co-design when they review the NDIS.