Our reports

A diverse group of people, with a problem icon.

Our Reference Group connect with the community to find out about issues that affect them.

A group of three women talking together about problems or issues.

Our Reference Group Members shared these issues with the NDIA.

NDIS services and supports

A person standing with their hand up. A stopwatch and a thumbs down symbol are present

Some participants couldn’t get their assistive technology quickly when they asked for it.

pictures of a wheel chair, a prosthetic leg and a screen

Assistive technology might be an aid or piece of equipment.

It can:

A house with a thumbs up sign

  • make it easier to do things, including in your home

A woman with her hand up, with a green tick

  • keep you safe.

A house with a windmill and a cow and a calendar with a yellow arrow

Some participants who live far from big cities and towns had to wait longer for assistive technology.

A person standing in front of a hospital with a clock in the top right hand side

It takes a long time for participants to leave hospital when they’re ready.

Three people in font of a government building

All governments should work together to fix this problem.

Home and living supports

Two women help a man in a wheelchair in a household kitchen.

Individualised Living Options (ILO) is a way of setting up the support you want at home.

A man standing with his arms out in confusion

Some participants and NDIA staff are confused about ILO.

And not everyone understands ILO the same way.

A hand pointing to a sign with new written on it

Some NDIA staff also used ILO as a new choice for Supported Independent Living (SIL).

Two people standing in front of a house

SIL is help with day-to-day tasks around your home so you can:

  • do things for yourself
  • learn new skills.

A group of roommates preparing a meal together.

When someone lives in shared accommodation, they live in a home with other people.

Diverse group of people in front of a house. An exclamation mark on a yellow background is present

Some participants are forced to live in shared accommodation.

A man in a wheelchair in a kitchen.

This includes participants who want to live on their own.

A map of Australia highlighting the Northern Territory

The report explained that this happens a lot in the Northern Territory.

A picture of a house. A wheelchair symbol is in the front

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a NDIS support.

It’s housing for participants who need extra support most of the time.

A person asking questions to another, sitting on a couch. A question mark is above the woman.

Participants get asked if they want SDA when they don’t:

  • need it
  • want it.

A picture of a woman with her hand up and a red cross above

This means participants who do need SDA might not be able to get it.

a group of people behind a Home nad Living Panel banner

The NDIA Home and Living Panel make decisions about home and living supports.

A hand over a choice of A, B or C. A question mark is in the front

The Panel isn’t clear about how they make decisions.

Two people standing with their arms around each other in front of a cross and a question mark.

For example, the Panel might decide to not give a participant the supports they asked for.

But they don’t explain why they did it.

NDIS plans

An NDIS paper with a Dollar sign in the front

Funding is the money from your plan that pays for the supports and services you need.

A person with their hands up. A downward arrow and a question mark are present

Some participants are getting less funding.

But they don’t have information about why it happened.