Ideas from the NDIS Review

A group of people looking at a folder together. Above them is a home and living supports icon.

Reference Group members talked about the ideas from the NDIS Review about home and living.

A participant raising their hand with a speech bubble that shows a tick and cross.

Members explained that home and living funding should support:

  • what participants need
  • their choice and control.

An NDIS plan with a dollar sign.

Funding is money from the government that pays for services and supports.

3 people in front of a house. Above one of them is a thought bubble that shows a thumbs down.

For example, some people with disability who need extra support do not want to live with other people.

A document that shows a house and graph. Next to the document is an arrow pointing up.

Members also explained there should be more research about what types of home and living supports participants need.

A person writing on a clipboard and next to them is an arrow splitting off into 3 directions.

Members shared that it’s important to plan different ways for people with disability to use home and living supports.

A law document and a person looking upset.

But some laws make it hard to do this.

Members talked about:

2 participants and above them is an arrow splitting off into 3 directions.

  • how participants might use their funding in different ways

A group of participants and a safety icon.

  • how to keep participants safe when using their funding in different ways.