Word list

This list explains what the bold words in this document mean.

A person in a wheelchair washing dishes.


When housing is accessible it:

  • supports what you need
  • is easy to move around in.

A 'News' document with an information icon.


A bulletin is an important news item we share with the community.

It explains what we did in our meeting.

3 people working together on a large document. One person is pointing at the large document.


Co-design is when people work together to plan something new.

An NDIS plan with a dollar sign.


Funding is money from the government that pays for services and supports.

A prison building, a gavel, a police officer and a law document.

Justice system

Our justice system includes:

  • prisons
  • the courts
  • police
  • the law.

A navigator meeting with someone. Next to the navigator is a speech bubble that shows a person supporting someone else.


Navigators will help people with disability to:

  • learn about different supports
  • connect with experts
  • find and use the supports they need.

A group of people behind a podium that says 'NDIA'.

NDIA Board

The NDIA Board is a group of people who make decisions about all parts of the NDIA.

A government building, an NDIS plan and a magnifying glass.

NDIS Review

The Australian Government checked the NDIS to find out what:

  • worked well
  • could be better.

They call it the NDIS Review.

A group of participants. 2 of them are raising their hands.


Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

Someone supporting another person. Above them is a brain icon and a thought bubble that shows a sad face inside.

Psychosocial disability

A psychosocial disability affects your mental health.

It can affect how you:

  • think
  • feel
  • deal with other people.

A group of people. 2 of them are raising their hands with speech bubbles above them.

Reference Group

A Reference Group is a group of people who give us advice about a certain topic.