Reviewing the NDIS

An NDIS icon with a search symbol. There is a government building.

The government wants to review the NDIS to check how well it supports participants.

A terms of reference document with a tick on it.

Leah explained that governments haven’t agreed on the terms of reference yet.

The terms of reference is a list of things governments want to focus on.

A person with a name tag beside an NDIS plan and a pen icon.

She shared that disability ministers have agreed that governments should review:

  • how the NDIS works
  • the way the NDIS does things
  • the future of the NDIS.

Two people working on a computer together. There is a service icon and a thumbs up icon.

Disability ministers also agreed this includes focusing on having:

  • good services and workers
  • more services and workers.

Young people inside a circle shaped arrow.

The Reference Group explained that the terms of reference should include children and young people.

Young people with two icons above them. The first is a circle with 48 percent on it, and almost half of it shaded in. The second is a circle saying 18, with a downward arrow.

48% of all participants are people aged 18 years old or younger.

So it’s important to think about how the NDIS supports them.

A person with a young child in a wheelchair.

They also shared that the people in charge of reviewing the NDIS need to understand what younger participants need.

A person giving a thumbs up, and an information and skills icon above.

This includes having the right:

  • information
  • skills.