NDIA strategies to be more inclusive

A strategy document with 3 diverse people and an arrow curving around them.

The NDIA told the Reference Group about its work on strategies to be more inclusive.

A strategy is a plan about how to do things in the future.

3 people behind a podium that says 'Advisory Council'.

Each of these strategies will have an advisory council.

These groups help the NDIA write their strategies.

First Nations strategy

Terms of Reference document.

The First Nations Strategy has a Terms of Reference.

Reference Group members think the Terms of Reference should think more about:

A woman pointing to herself and an intersectionality icon.

  • intersectionality

2 people talking to each other.

  • the different experiences of First Nations peoples.

Reference Group members think the First Nations strategy should include people who are:

3 people with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags above them.

  • First Nations peoples

A person raising their arm, above them is the LGBTIQA+ flag.


A group of diverse people, above them is the LGBTIQA+ flag.

The letters LGBTIQA stand for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer or questioning and asexual.

A person raising their arm, above them is the LGBTIQA+ flag and a plus sign.

The ‘+’ is for people who are part of the LGBTIQA+ community but don’t talk about themselves using a word from this list.

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (CALD) strategy

A group of diverse people from the community. 3 people have thought bubbles above them, each one has a different language in it.

Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people:

  • come from different backgrounds
  • speak languages other than English.

3 people behind a desk with a question mark above them.

People want to know who is working for the CALD strategy’s expert advisory group.

A group of people from different backgrounds.

Members also told us the NDIA should think about what the Disability Royal Commission found out.

For example, about the experiences of CALD people with disability.

LGBTIQA+ strategy

3 people behind a podium that says 'LGBTIQA+ Advisory Council'.

Reference Group members think the NDIA should have an advisory group for LGBTIQA+ people.

Parliament house next to an LGBTIQA+ flag with an arrow curving around it.

They also think the NDIA should work with parts of the government that work to make communities more inclusive for LGBTIQA+ people.

Equity and Inclusion document with a thumbs up.

Reference Group members also want to thank the NDIS participants who helped write the equity and inclusion paper for LGBTIQA+ communities.