Our principles

A principles document.

Principles are important ideas that tell us how to make things better.

A principles document with an intersectionality icon.

We are making principles about intersectionality.

Intersectionality happens when people with disability are treated differently because of both:

A person raising their arm and a disability icon.

  • their disability

A person with a speech bubble, inside the speech bubble is text in a language that's not English.

  • other things about them that they can’t change – like their background or race.

A group of people sitting at a table having a discussion.

We asked Reference Group members what they think about our work on the principles.

A woman raising her arm and an intersectionality icon with an important icon.

Reference Group members told us intersectionality is very important.

A man explaining something to another man, above their heads is an information icon and intersectionality icon.

They think we should do more to explain what it means.

A goals document.

They told us we should make sure the goals of each principle are clear.

Members also told us we should make sure:

A goals document, pen and thumbs up.

  • we can achieve these goals

A goals document, NDIA worker and thumbs up.

  • the NDIA can achieve these goals

A thumbs down with an arrow pointing to a thumbs up.

  • our principles can make supports and services better.

A man in front of a whiteboard that has a thumbs down with an arrow pointing to a thumbs up. In front of him are 2 people, one person is raising their hand. Next to them is an inclusive icon.

Members also told us the NDIA could be more inclusive if they make their training better.

For example, they should have training about:

A woman pointing to herself and an intersectionality icon.

  • intersectionality

An icon of a person crying.

  • trauma

An NDIA worker supporting a person.

  • supporting people from different backgrounds.

A group of people pointing to themselves and a disability icon with a cross.

They told us the NDIS should think about people.

Not just disability.