Our reports

2 community members having a conversation with a Reference Group member. Above the 2 community members is a problem icon inside a speech bubble.

The Reference Group connected with the community to find out about issues that affect them.

A Reference Group member meeting with an NDIA worker. Above them is a speech bubble that shows a problem icon.

The Reference Group members shared these issues with the NDIA.

What did the reports talk about?

A person holding an NDIS plan document and next to them is a problem icon.

Reference Group members shared that some people face issues with their NDIS plans.

An NDIS plan document.

Your NDIS plan is a document that has information about:

  • you and your goals
  • what supports you need.

For example, some participants have to wait a long time for:

A person meeting with an NDIA worker. Behind them is an NDIS plan document.

  • their first plan meeting

An NDIS plan document with a tick.

  • the NDIA to check that their plan works well.

A group of participants. 2 of them are raising their hands.

Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

A person meeting with an NDIA worker. Above them is a speech bubble and next to the NDIA worker is a cross.

Members worry that the NDIA doesn’t always listen to people with intellectual disability in their plan meetings.

A person supporting someone. Above them is a problem icon.

Members also explained it can be hard for some people with disability to get the support they need.

It can be hard for them to get the support they need from:

An NDIS document.

  • the NDIS

A service provider, an NDIS worker and a health professional.

  • health care services.

For example, some people who need support with their behaviour find it hard getting the right:

A person and a dollar sign with a problem icon.

  • NDIS funding

A hand holding a house.

  • home and living supports.

An NDIS plan with a dollar symbol.

Funding is the money from your plan that pays for the supports you need.

A person supporting someone with disability next to an importance icon.

Members explained it is important that people with disability get all the support they need.

A stack of 3 calendars and a disability icon with an arrow pointing up.

This includes the support people need for:

  • a long time
  • more than one disability.

A prison building, a gavel, a police officer and a law document.

Our justice system includes:

  • prisons
  • the courts
  • police
  • the law.

A person supporting someone in the justice system system. Above them is a newspaper.

Members shared that there have been lots of news reports about people with disability in the justice system.

A person supporting someone in the justice system next to a cross. Above them is a set of justice scales.

They worry that some news reports say unfair things about people with disability in the justice system.

A person supporting a young person.

Members also shared that all people with disability should have the support they need.