What happened in the last meeting?

A photo of Leah Van Poppel.

Leah Van Poppel ran the last meeting.

She is the Council’s Principal Member.

She’s also a member of the NDIA Board.

3 people behind a panel labelled 'NDIA'.

The NDIA Board is a group of people who make decisions about all parts of the NDIA.

A calendar showing '27 July 2022'.

It was held on 27 July 2022.

A photo of Dr Lisa Studdert.

Leah welcomed Dr Lisa Studdert.

Lisa is the Acting Chief Executive Officer at the NDIA.

This means she’s running the NDIA for a period of time.

A photo of Dr Jim Minto.

Leah also welcomed Jim Minto.

He is the Acting NDIA Board Chair.

This means he’s running the NDIA Board for a period of time.

What did Lisa share?

Parliament house in Canberra, with a thumbs up.

Lisa explained that the NDIA felt hopeful with the new government.

A woman shaking hands with a man.

Lisa also explained that she has had meetings with Bill Shorten.

He is the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

A man wearing a tie, and parliament house.

A minister leads an area of government.

An NDIS plan.

In these meetings, Lisa and Bill talked about the NDIS.

An NDIS plan and a magnifying glass.

Lisa explained the Australian Government will review the NDIS.

When the Australian Government reviews something, they check to see what:

  • works well
  • can be better.

A group of professionals sitting at a table smiling.

Lisa also explained other work the NDIA will do.

This work included how the NDIA will:

A picture of the world with an arrow around it. A coronavirus graphic.

  • keep responding to COVID-19

A group of people with different disabilities. Two of the people have their hand raised.

  • make planning better for participants – people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

What did Jim share?

An NDIS plan with an arrow pointing forward.

Jim explained the NDIA Board is focusing on the next stage of the NDIS.

Woman pointing at herself with her other hand raised. There is a goals icon above her.

He also explained the NDIA Board wants participants to get support to work towards their goals.

And they want this support to be consistent – the same each time.

A woman behind a panel labelled 'CEO', and a group of NDIA workers stand beneath.

Jim also explained the NDIA Board are looking for a permanent CEO for the NDIA.

This means someone will run the NDIA full time.