What important updates were in the meeting?
Advice on participants who are getting older
IAC Members talked about their advice to the NDIA Board about participants who are getting older. |
IAC Members talked about people whose bodies get older faster than other people. |
They also talked about how organisations can affect older people with disability. |
For example, organisations that might have kept older people with disability away from the community. |
IAC Members also talked about how the NDIS works with other supports, like aged care. |
IAC Members shared it’s important to support participants who are getting older to plan for the future. |
For example, supporting participants to choose where they get support. |
IAC Members also talked about how getting older can be different for people because of their: |
Your gender is what you feel and understand about who you are as a person. You might think of yourself as a man or woman or something different. You can choose the words that are right for you. |
The NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce
IAC Members met with people from the Taskforce. |
They talked about: |
These rules will help the NDIA keep participants safe. The Taskforce is making them because of the NDIS Review. |
The Australian Government checked the NDIS to find out what:
They call it the NDIS Review. |
IAC Members shared that they are happy with how the Taskforce is working with the disability community. |
IAC Work Plan for 2024 to 2025
IAC Members talked about our Work Plan for the next year. |
We need to make sure our Work Plan can follow what the Australian Government will change. For example, because of the NDIS Review. |
IAC Members talked about the NDIA’s co‑design work. We will make sure our work is different to the NDIA’s co‑design activities. |
Co-design is when people work together to plan something new. |
We will also use good ideas from our past advice in the work we do this year. |