What important updates were in the meeting?

Advice on participants who are getting older

A support worker supporting an older participant.

IAC Members talked about their advice to the NDIA Board about participants who are getting older.

A person with an arrow pointing to them with a walking cane. Above them is a clock with 3 lines to show speed.

IAC Members talked about people whose bodies get older faster than other people.

An older person raising their hand in front of 3 people from an organisation and an organisation building.

They also talked about how organisations can affect older people with disability.

A support worker moving an older person away from 3 other people.

For example, organisations that might have kept older people with disability away from the community.

An NDIS worker and a support worker supporting a participant.

IAC Members also talked about how the NDIS works with other supports, like aged care.

A participant raising their hand next to a calendar showing an arrow pointing forward.

IAC Members shared it’s important to support participants who are getting older to plan for the future.

Someone looking at a document with a participant. Above them is a support worker supporting the participant.

For example, supporting participants to choose where they get support.

IAC Members also talked about how getting older can be different for people because of their:

A group of people from different backgrounds.

  • background

Someone raising their hand beneath a man icon inside of a speech bubble.

  • gender.

A group of people with different genders. They are linking arms and wearing the colours of the rainbow.

Your gender is what you feel and understand about who you are as a person.

You might think of yourself as a man or woman or something different.

You can choose the words that are right for you.

The NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce

An IAC Member shaking hands with a Taskforce worker.

IAC Members met with people from the Taskforce.

They talked about:

3 people behind a bench that says 'IAC'. Above them is a lightbulb inside of a speech bubble.

  • the ideas the IAC has shared with the Taskforce

A rules document showing a list of ticks and crosses.

  • the new rules the Taskforce is making.

A group of participants beneath a safety icon.

These rules will help the NDIA keep participants safe.

The Taskforce is making them because of the NDIS Review.

An Australian Government building, an NDIS plan and a magnifying glass.

The Australian Government checked the NDIS to find out what:

  • worked well
  • could be better.

They call it the NDIS Review.

3 people behind a bench that says IAC. Above them is a thumbs up inside of a speech bubble.

IAC Members shared that they are happy with how the Taskforce is working with the disability community.

IAC Work Plan for 2024 to 2025

A Work Plan document showing a tick.

IAC Members talked about our Work Plan for the next year.

A change icon and a tick.

We need to make sure our Work Plan can follow what the Australian Government will change.

For example, because of the NDIS Review.

A person raising their hand and pointing to themselves with their other hand. Above them is a speech bubble that shows an arrow pointing in 3 different directions.

IAC Members talked about the NDIA’s co‑design work.

We will make sure our work is different to the NDIA’s co‑design activities.

3 people looking at a large document together. One of them is pointing at it.

Co-design is when people work together to plan something new. 

A lightbulb and a thumbs up.

We will also use good ideas from our past advice in the work we do this year.