Our reports

An IAC Member having a conversation with 2 people from the community beneath a problem icon inside of a speech bubble.

IAC Members connected with the community to find out about issues that affect them.

An IAC Member and an NDIA worker having a conversation beneath a problem icon inside of a speech bubble.

IAC Members shared these issues with the NDIA.

What did the reports talk about?

2 people with disability giving thumbs up.

IAC Members shared that the NDIS has a good impact on people with disability.

An NDIS document and a thumbs up with an arrow pointing up.

They said the NDIA should keep making it better for participants.

A group of participants. 2 participants have their hands in the air.

Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

A participant looking worried, an NDIS document and a change icon.

IAC Members shared many people worry about what might change in the NDIS.

Someone handing a document showing a change icon to another person.

They want the NDIA to share information about what might change.

An IAC Member writing in a document.

IAC Members talked about planning.

3 calendars stacked on top of each other.

They shared that some people have to wait a long time for their planning meetings.

This includes:

3 children and a baby.

  • children

A participant in front of a house and a change icon.

  • people whose lives have changed.

A participant having a conversation on the phone.

IAC Members shared that sometimes the NDIS contacts participants about their plan before their next planning meeting.

A participant having a conversation on the phone and a plan document showing a change icon.

Some participants told IAC Members that the NDIA changed their plan because of what they talked about when the NDIS contacted them.

IAC Members shared some ideas to make the NDIS better for:

A group of participants. 2 participants have their hands in the air.

  • participants

3 providers. One is holding a clip board. Another is wearing a stethoscope.

  • providers.

A provider supporting a participant.

Providers support people with disability by delivering a service.

An NDIA worker holding a document, a dollar sign and a tick.

They talked about changing how the NDIA checks and pays for supports.

They also talked about making sure the way the NDIS checks in on participants who need a lot of support is:

Someone supporting a participant beneath a tick inside of a thought bubble.

  • easy to understand

Someone writing in a document beneath 3 ticks.

  • the same every time.

A support worker supporting someone using a seeing cane in front of an organisation building. Above them is a stop sign.

IAC Members shared that some community organisations that support people with disability might close.

A support worker supporting someone using a seeing cane in front of an organisation building. Above them is a tick.

They talked about what the NDIA could do to help these organisations:

  • stay open
  • keep supporting people with disability.

An NDIA worker and a participant having a conversation in front of a laptop. Above the participant is a dollar sign inside of a speech bubble. Above the NDIA worker there is a speech bubble.

IAC Members shared that sometimes the NDIA answers questions about what supports the NDIS will pay for with different information.

A participant looking confused and shrugging.

This can make it hard for participants to understand if the NDIS will pay for a support.