Changing the laws about the NDIS

Parliament house and a law document with a change icon.

IAC Members and people from the NDIA talked about the Australian Government’s plans to change laws about the NDIS.

A person with their hands on their head and a document that shows a list of ticks and crosses. Next to the document is a badge that says 'New'.

IAC Members worry about the Government making new rules for who can take part in the NDIS.

A law document with a speech bubble that shows a person supporting someone and an NDIS document.

IAC Members also worry about the way the law explains what can be an NDIS support.

A person supporting someone next to a dollar sign and a change icon.

This could change what supports people can use funding for.

Funding is money from the government that pays for services and supports.

3 people behind a podium that says 'NDIA'. Next to them is a speech bubble that says 'Thank you'.

IAC Members thanked the NDIA for explaining how the law could change.

IAC Members explained that the NDIA should:

A law document with an arrow pointing up and an accessibility icon.

  • share more accessible information about the laws with the community

A large group of people and above one person is a thought bubble that shows a question mark.

  • explain to the community how changing the law will affect them

3 people working together on a large document. One person is pointing at the large document.

  • explain how they use co-design to make new rules and plans.