Our reports

A large group of people with a problem icon above them.

The IAC Members connected with the community to find out about issues that affect them.

3 people behind a podium that says 'IAC' and above them is a speech bubble that shows a problem icon.

The IAC Members shared these issues with the NDIA.

What did the reports talk about?

A group of participants with different disability.

Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

A person holding an NDIS document and next to them is a stack of calendars.

IAC Members shared that some participants have to wait longer to get their NDIS plans.

An NDIS plan document.

Your NDIS plan is a document that has information about:

  • you and your goals
  • what supports you need.

A person supporting someone in a wheelchair and next to them is a problem icon.

IAC Members also shared that there are issues with the way people get some supports.

A home and living supports icon next to a person supporting a child.

For example:

  • home and living supports
  • supports for children and young people.

A child and young person on a balanced scale.

IAC Members explained that it’s important that the NDIS:

  • is fair to children and young people
  • gives children and young people the same chances as other people.

A building with a disability icon. Next to the building are 3 disability service workers and a problem icon.

IAC Members also explained that some community run disability services are facing issues.

These issues affect their participants.

A building with a cross over it. A disability service worker next to a magnifying glass.

For example:

  • it can be hard for them to find staff
  • they might have to close.

Parliament house next to a dollar sign.

These disability services use money from the government to pay for their supports.

An ILC program document. The document shows 2 hands around an information icon.

For example, they might get money from the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building program.

We call it the ILC program.

A building with a ramp, disability icon and a grant document that shows a tick.

The ILC program gives grants to organisations that support people with disability.

A document that shows 2 people and a table next to a red circle with a line through it.

Some programs that use ILC grants are ending.

This will affect community run disability services.

An NDIA worker with a speech bubble that shows an information icon. Next to them is an accessibility icon.

IAC Members shared that it’s important for the NDIA to share accessible information with the community.

A magnifying glass and a tick.

When information is accessible, it is easy to:

  • find and use
  • understand.

Sharing accessible information would help the community understand:

A law document with a change icon.

  • how laws about the NDIS will change

3 people working together on large a document. One person is pointing at the large document.

  • what NDIA co-design is.

Co-design is when people work together to plan something new.

An NDIS provider supporting a person next to a thumbs down icon. Above them is a newspaper.

IAC Members shared they have seen news about some NDIS providers who treat participants badly.

Providers support people with disability by delivering a service.

A person supporting someone and a safety icon.

IAC Members shared that people with disability need ways to:

  • stay safe
  • get the support they need.

A prison building with a problem icon.

The news also says that there are issues with NDIS supports for people with disability in the justice system.

A prison building, a gavel, a police officer and a law document.

The justice system includes: 

  • prisons 
  • the courts 
  • police 
  • the law. 

A computer screen that shows an icon of a robot.

IAC Members explained that artificial intelligence might make the NDIS better.

We just call it AI.

A problem icon with a tick and a speech bubble that shows a tick and cross.

AI technology can:

  • solve problems
  • help the NDIS make decisions.