What important updates were in the meeting?

The NDIA’s co-design work

A group of people working on a board together.

The IAC got an update on the NDIA’s co-design work to improve outcomes for participants.

Co-design is when people work together to plan something new.

This includes their work with:

A group of participants. 2 of them are raising their hands.

  • participants

A large group of diverse people from the community.

  • the community

A person supporting someone with disability. Above them is a megaphone icon.

  • organisations that speak up for people who support people with disability.

A group of people working on a document together.

IAC Members agreed that NDIA staff have different experiences with co‑design.

But the NDIA has done good work to support co‑design so far.

An Easy Read document.

IAC Members explained that the NDIA should share information about co-design in ways that everyone can understand.

For example, in Easy Read documents.

A community member and an NDIA worker giving a thumbs up. The NDIA worker has a speech bubble with an importance icon and a hand holding a wrench.

IAC Members also explained that co-design means everyone has agreed on what issue to fix.

The NDIA should not pick projects to work on with co-design without the community having a say.

2 participants with their hands raised. Above them is a hand supporting a speech bubble.

IAC Members shared that the NDIA need to make sure that older co-design projects support what participants have to say.

A participant and an NDIA worker having a conversation. Above them is a stack of calendars.

This includes making sure that the NDIA check in with participants when projects take longer to finish.

The NDIA’s 10-year strategy

A 'Strategy' document.

The IAC got an update on the NDIA’s work on their 10-year strategy.

A strategy is a plan for how the NDIA will do things in the future.

IAC Members talked about how the goals for this strategy should support the NDIS to offer services that:

A group of participants. 2 of them are raising their hands. Above them is a thumbs up.

  • work well for all participants

A skills icon: a wrench and a screwdriver, a rolling pin and a whisk, and a glowing lightbulb.

  • build participants’ skills to do things themselves.

An 'Outcomes' document with a government building and magnifying glass next to it. There is a cross in the lens of the magnifying glass.

IAC Members explained that the goals of the NDIS should not just focus on outcomes for governments.

It should focus on outcomes for the Australian community.

A group of people looking at a document. They have a thought bubble with a tick and an arrow pointing up.

IAC Members shared that more people should understand the outcomes and goals of the NDIS.

And the NDIA should work to support this.

An IAC member pointing to the screen of a laptop being used by an NDIA worker. Above them is a co-design icon with a tick.

IAC Members also shared that the NDIA should make sure their work connects with their other co‑design work.

A large group of people in an office meeting at a large table.

IAC Members explained that the NDIA need to make sure they have enough people in their team making the strategy.

A 'Strategy' document with a ticked checkbox on it.

This will help make sure the strategy will be ready to share with the community.