What did our Council Members share?

A diverse group of people, with a problem icon.

Our Council Members connect with the community to find out about issues that affect them.

A group of 3 women talking together about problems or issues.

Our Council Members shared these issues with the NDIA.

Support with the AAT

A person with their arm raised, above them is a map of Australia with the Northern Territory highlighted. Next to the person is a megaphone icon.

It’s hard for people with disability in the Northern Territory to find someone to speak up for them when they use the AAT.

A person sitting behind a desk. Above their head is a thought bubble with a services icon inside. In the bottom corner is a cross.

Council Members explained there are not enough services to help them.

Three people standing behind a panel showing the letters 'AAT'. There is a cross in front of the platform on the right side.

This means some people don’t use the AAT when they should.

Other services and programs that give support

Three people in front of a hospital, one of them is in a wheelchair. Beside the people is a warning symbol.

Council Members are worried about people with disability in the health system.

They have learned that some people experience:

A person stands with their arms crossed ignoring the person waving behind them. A thumbs down icon is in the corner.

neglect – when someone is not helping you the way they are supposed to help you

A woman wearing a head scarf looking upset as a group of people talk about her.

discrimination – when someone treats you badly because of something about you that you can’t change.

A woman pointing to herself with her other hand raised. Next to her is a support person icon with a cross over it.

They shared this often happens when people who need a lot of support don’t have someone to help them.

For example, a carer or support person.

People who work in the health system need to understand what:

A man pointing at himself with his other hand raised.

people with disability need

A woman with one hand raised. There is a rights icon next to her.

  • rights people with disability have.

Rights icon.

Rights are rules about how everyone should be treated fairly.

A support worker is standing with their arm raised. In the corner is a shower icon.

Some hospital staff won’t give NDIS participants personal care – like help with showering.

They ask support workers to do this instead.

Two people in front of a hospital, one is in a wheelchair. There is a number 1 symbol in the corner.

Council Members think we need one way for everyone to get this support in hospital.

A rules icon with both a COVID-19 icon and an arrow pointing down.

Now there are less rules about how to stay safe during COVID-19.

But COVID-19 is not over.

A man pointing to himself with a safety icon and a thumbs down icon.

Council Members are worried that people with disability will feel more unsafe.

And might not take part in the community.

A person in a house with a safety icon.

Some people with disability have stayed at home since March 2020 to keep safe.

Aged care icon with an accessibility icon with a cross.

Council Members also learned that some areas in aged care are not accessible.

Accessibility icon.

When something is accessible, anyone can:

find and use it

travel around.

A bedroom with an accessibility icon with a cross.

For example, the shared areas are accessible.

But the rooms where people live are not.

Providers and not-for-profit organisations

A person with a service provider, who is holding a clipboard.

Providers deliver services and supports to people with disability.

Many smaller providers support people with disability by giving:

A services icon with a thumbs up.

good quality services

A group of diverse people with disability with the services icon above them.

  • services that think about what each person needs.

Bigger providers can make it hard for these smaller organisations to get enough:

A woman sitting behind a desk thinking about a group of people.

people to use their services

NDIS document icon with a dollar sign.

funding from the government – money to pay for supports.

It also costs smaller organisations a lot to prove they:

NDIS rules icon, a dollar sign next to it.

follow the NDIS’s rules

A person inside of a safety icon, a dollar sign next to it.

  • keep participants safe.

Disability community

Two men shaking hands, an intellectual disability icon above them.

Council Members think the NDIA should hire more people with intellectual disability.

This shows other organisations they can too.

A person standing with their arms crossed and speaking, a disability icon next to them.

Council Members also explained why it’s important to keep including people with disability when the NDIA works with the community.

Three diverse women sitting in a group.

They also shared that the NDIA should work with different groups of people together.

For example, providers and people with disability.

Issues that Council Members are sharing again

Plan icon with a change icon and cross icon.

Council Members shared that some participants are having their plans changed or stopped.

And they didn’t know it would happen.

Plan icon with a change icon and information icon.

Council Members also think the NDIA should give participants more information when they change their plan.

A person and their support worker standing together, next to them is a dollar sign with an arrow pointing to a wallet.

Some participants keep some funding for when they need more support.

Funding icon with a change and question mark icon.

But when the NDIA changes their plan it can affect this funding.

Three people standing behind a panel with the words AAT, there is an arrow pointing up icon beside it.

Council Members shared that more participants will use the AAT if this keeps happening.

A group of support workers with a cross icon over them.

Council Members also shared that there are not enough support workers.

Aged care icon with a dollar sign icon.

They explained that workers can make more money working in aged care.

And there aren’t enough workers to keep people with disability safe.

Services icon with a cross icon.

Some participants in places far from large cities or towns can’t use their plans.

This is because there aren’t enough services where they live.

A government building with a calendar and change icon below it.

Council Members also shared that participants have to wait a long time when they want to change something in their home.