What happened in the last meeting?

A photo of Ms Leah van Poppel.

Leah van Poppel ran the last meeting.

She is the Council’s Principal Member.

She’s also a member of the NDIA Board.

Three people standing behind a platform saying NDIA.

The NDIA Board is a group of people who make decisions about all parts of the NDIA.

A calendar saying 17 October 2022.

It was held on 17 October 2022.

A photo of Dr Lisa Studdert.

Leah thanked Dr Lisa Studdert for her work.

Dr Studdert is the Acting Chief Executive Officer at the NDIA.

This means she runs the NDIA for a period of time.

A photo of Ms Rebecca Falkingham.

Leah said that Council is looking forward to working with Ms Rebecca Falkingham.

Rebecca will be the new CEO of the NDIA.

She will start on 18 October 2022.

What did Dr Lisa Studdert share?

Two people are standing behind a desk, there is a person standing in front of them and talking.

Dr Lisa Studdert shared what the ministers for disability will talk about at their meeting this week.

A person standing in front of a government building. There is a disability icon in the corner.

A minister leads an area of government.

A document titled 'Independent Expert Review Program', showing a person holding a clipboard with a tick and cross beside them.

Dr Studdert explained that the NDIA is making the Independent Expert Review program.

In this document we call it the new program.

A person pointing their arm up with a circled A and circled B option beside them.

The new program will give participants another option when they don’t agree with a decision the NDIS made.

A diverse group of people, some of them have their hands up. One person is in a wheelchair.

Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

A person is holding both their arms up. Next to them is another person holding a clipboard with a cross over them.

At the moment participants can only use the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) when they don’t agree with a decision the NDIS made.

Three people standing behind a panel showing the letters 'AAT'.

The AAT is a government organisation that is separate to the NDIS.

They review the NDIA’s decisions about:

who can join the NDIS

NDIS plans.

A Program document with a tick and cross. In the bottom corner is a calendar showing 'AAT'.

Participants will be able to use the new program while they wait for the AAT.

Three people thinking about an idea with a lightbulb above their heads .

Mr Graeme Innes AM will run a committee to watch over the program.

A committee is a group of people who meet to talk about ideas.