Word list

This list explains what the bold words in this document mean.


When information is accessible, it is easy to: 

  • find and use
  • understand.


A bulletin is an important news item we share with the community.

It explains what we did in our meeting.

Circles of support

Circles of support are groups of people who:

  • know and understand the person they support
  • can help the person make their own decisions.


Co-design is when people work together to plan something new.


Fraud is when someone does something that is not honest on purpose. 

Fraud is a crime.


Navigators will help people with disability to:

  • learn about different supports
  • connect with experts
  • find and use the supports they need.

NDIA Board

The NDIA Board is a group of people who make decisions about all parts of the NDIA.

NDIS plan

An NDIS plan is a document that includes information about:

  • you and your goals
  • what support you receive from the NDIS.


Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.


Principles are important ideas that we should always think about.

Reference Group

A Reference Group is a group of people who give advice about a certain topic.

Supported decision making

Supported decision making is when someone supports you to make your own decisions about your life.