Our reports

IAC Members connected with the community to find out about issues that affect them.

IAC Members shared these issues with the NDIA.

What did the reports talk about?

Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

IAC Members explained that participants need more ways to use their NDIS plans.

An NDIS plan is a document that includes information about:

  • you and your goals
  • what support you receive from the NDIS.

People in the community also want the NDIA to improve how they:

  • communicate
  • guide people.

IAC Members shared that changes to the laws about the NDIS confuse some people.

The community need more clear information about what people can use their NDIS plan for.

IAC Members explained that the NDIS call centre is not giving everyone the same advice about what is changing.

This has made people unhappy about how the NDIS is handling the changes.

IAC Members shared that reporting fraud can be an issue for some participants.

Fraud is when someone does something that is not honest on purpose. 

Fraud is a crime.

Participants said that the form to report fraud is not accessible.

When information is accessible, it is easy to: 

  • find and use
  • understand.

IAC Members asked the NDIA for information about fraud by people who manage their own NDIS plans.

IAC Members shared that it can be hard for people to get money for circles of support.

Circles of support are groups of people who:

  • know and understand the person they support
  • can help the person make their own decisions.

IAC Members explained that it is hard for some participants to use health services.

For example, health services at hospitals.

This is because these services can’t support them the way they need.