What important updates were in the meeting?

The NDIS Amendment Bill

IAC Members talked about the new law called the NDIS Amendment Bill.

The NDIS Amendment Bill will start working on 3 October 2024.

IAC Members explained that the NDIA should do more to let people know about what will change.

This includes:

  • making information clear
  • sharing information with the right people.

IAC Work Plan for 2024 to 2025

IAC Members agreed to update the IAC Work Plan to focus on:

  • foundational supports

  • the ways people can join and use the NDIS

  • navigators.

Navigators will help people with disability to:

  • learn about different supports
  • connect with experts
  • find and use the supports they need.

IAC Members explained that they will think about including gender in their work.

Your gender is what you feel and understand about who you are as a person.

You might think of yourself as a man or a woman or something different.

You can choose the words that are right for you.

IAC’s advice for the NDIA Board

IAC Members talked about their advice for the NDIA Board about participants who are getting older.

The advice is still a draft.

This means it isn’t finished.

It might change later.

IAC Members got:

  • a copy of the draft advice

  • a plain English summary

  • a document looking into research that supports the advice.

The NDIA is working on their response to the IAC’s advice about making behaviour supports better.

The NDIA Board has looked at the IAC’s advice about making the NDIS better for children and young people.

The NDIA sent this advice to the Minister for the NDIS.

A minister leads an area of the government.

The Minister for the NDIS will share this advice with this Disability Reform Ministerial Council (DRMC).

The DRMC is a group of ministers from around Australia who make laws better for people with disability.

The NDIA will share this advice with the community after sharing it with the DRMC.