Our reports
IAC Members connected with the community to find out about issues that affect them. |
IAC Members shared these issues with the NDIA. |
What did the reports talk about?
IAC Members shared that a lot is changing for the community. |
This is because of: |
The Australian Government checked the NDIS to find out what:
They call it the NDIS Review. |
IAC Members shared that it is important to be kind in this time. |
IAC Members worry that the community does not understand foundational supports. |
Foundational supports are disability supports for all people with disability. This includes people with disability who are not NDIS participants. |
Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS. |
IAC Members explained that sometimes the NDIA will change participants’ NDIS plans. |
An NDIS plan is a document that includes information about:
Sometimes the NDIA will do this when they call for a check-in. A check-in is when the NDIA talks with someone about how their supports are going. |
IAC Members worry that some support coordinators are leaving the NDIS. A support coordinator is someone who helps people with disability plan and use their supports. |
This can mean some participants are not getting the support they need. |
Funding is money from the government that pays for services and supports. |
IAC Members want the NDIA to make it clear if funding can pay for insurance for workers. |
Insurance is a service you pay for to protect you if something goes wrong. If you have insurance and something goes wrong, your insurance company pays the cost. |
IAC Members said the NDIA should explain this quickly. |