Our 2022–2023 Work Plan

A calendar with people at a bench on it. An NDIA worker is supporting a person at the bench, and there is another worker at a computer.

Our Work Plan talks about:

  • the work we will do each year
  • our priorities.

A 'Priorities' document with a list of 3 items on it. Next to the document is an importance icon.

Our priorities are the things that are most important to us.

When we make our Work Plan, we also think about:

The Parliament House building.

  • the Australian Government’s priorities

The cover page of the NDIA Corporate Plan.

  • the priorities in the NDIA Corporate Plan.

A 'Goals' document with a pencil checking the boxes next to each item. Next to the document is a calendar that reads '4 years'.

The NDIA Corporate Plan explains the goals for the NDIS over the next 4 years.

A person writing on a clipboard. Above them is a change icon.

Our Work Plan might change if we make new priorities during the year.

A computer with a 'Work Plan' document open on the screen.

You can find an Easy Read version of our Work Plan on our website.
