Reference Groups

A group of people having a meeting, sitting at a table. Above them is a change icon.

We have 4 Reference Groups.

A Reference Group is a group of people who give us advice about a certain topic.

Our Reference Groups are the:

A family standing together: 2 parents, a young child and a baby.

  • Children, Young People and Families Reference Group

A group of people with different types of disability and a scales icon next to it. There is an arrow going around the group of people.

  • Equity and Inclusion Reference Group.

3 people standing outside of a home with an accessible ramp.

  • Home and Living Reference Group

3 people standing together. Above each person is a different icon: the first is a person with their brain showing, the second is a lightbulb, and the third is 2 services icons.

  • Intellectual Disability Reference Group

A woman giving a thumbs up and an advice icon next to her.

Our Reference Groups will help support our advice.

Our Reference Groups include people who:

A group of people having a meeting, sitting at a table. 2 of the people are shaking hands.

  • know a lot about the topic for their group

A group of people with disability, they are each pointing toward themselves with their other hand raised.

  • have a disability

A group of diverse people from different cultures standing together.

  • come from different backgrounds.

A man raising his hand to say something.

We talk more about each Reference Group below.

Children, Young People and Families Reference Group

This group gives advice about how to support:

Parents and a child with the disability icon.

  • children with disability

A family standing together: 2 young boys and a woman.

  • young people with disability

A family standing together, 2 parents and 2 daughters.

  • their families and carers.

This includes how to support them to:

A man pointing to himself and raising his hand.

  • do things for themselves

A group of people in front of a park and buildings.

  • take part in the community.

Equity and Inclusion Reference Group

This group gives advice about:

A group of diverse people sitting and standing together, raising their hands.

  • giving everyone an equal chance

2 people shaking hands. Above them is a scales icon for equality and fairness.

  • treating everyone fairly

Information icon with 3 arrows pointing in different directions.

  • sharing information with the community

People are waving and pointing to themselves, there is an arrow curving around them to show they are being included.

  • how to be more inclusive.

A large group of people standing outside.

When the community is inclusive, everyone feels:

  • included
  • like they belong.

Home and Living Reference Group

This group gives advice about supports people with disability need:

A house with 2 people standing in front of it. One person has their arm around the other person.

  • in their home

A group of people sitting around a dining table at home. They are all talking to each other.

  • to live their life each day

Intellectual Disability Reference Group

This group gives advice about supporting people with intellectual disability to:

A woman showing another woman information on a laptop.

  • live their life

A group of diverse people laughing and smiling together.

  • take part in their community.