Our reports

2 community members having a conversation with a Reference Group member. Above the 2 community members is a speech bubble showing a problem icon.

The Reference Group connected with the community to find out about issues that affect them.

A Reference Group member having a conversation with an NDIA worker. Above the reference group member is a speech bubble showing a problem icon.

The Reference Group members shared these issues with the NDIA.

What did the reports talk about?

NDIS plans

An advocate supporting someone else. Above them is a megaphone icon.

An advocate is someone who can:

  • support you
  • help you have your say
  • give you information and advice.

A participant thinking, a question mark and an NDIA worker choosing between 3 options.

Advocates shared that some participants still don’t know how the NDIA decides what supports they need.

A group of participants. 2 are raising their hands.

Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

Participants don’t know because:

2 documents and an NDIA worker holding a clipboard. One document shows a green tick and a grey cross. The other document shows a grey tick and a red cross.

  • the NDIA doesn’t always make decisions in the same way

A participant reading a document.

  • information about funding is not clear.

An NDIS document and a dollar sign.

Funding is the money from your plan that pays for the supports and services you need.

A participant having a conversation with an NDIA worker with a cross next to them. Above the NDIA worker is a speech bubble showing a dollar sign.

The NDIA says participants don’t take part in deciding how much funding they receive to reach their goals.

This is a decision the NDIA makes.

A reference group member with their hand raised and a speech bubble. Inside the speech bubble is a glowing lightbulb with a cross.

But Reference Group members shared that this goes against one of the NDIS’s key ideas.

A goals document and a participant showing someone something on a laptop.

Participants should be part of planning what supports they need to reach their goals

A provider, a dollar sign and an arrow pointing up.

Members explained that some providers always charge the highest amount for their services.

3 providers.

Providers support people with disability by delivering a service.

A participant with 2 thought bubbles above them and a dollar sign next to them. One thought bubble shows a provider supporting the participant. The other thought bubble shows a cooking icon.

They charge this amount no matter what support a participant needs.

And this causes funding problems for:

A group of participants. 2 are raising their hand.

  • participants

An NDIS worker holding a document.

  • the NDIS.

A problem icon and a person holding an NDIS document.

Members shared that some people with psychosocial disability find it harder to become NDIS participants.

A person supporting someone else. Above the person being supported is a brain icon and a sad face in a thought bubble.

A psychosocial disability affects your mental health.

It can affect how you:

  • think
  • feel
  • deal with other people.

An information icon with a cross above a person supporting someone else.

This happens because there isn’t enough information about how to support people with psychosocial disability.

And it makes it harder for them to get the support they need.

A plan document and a participant reading a document. The participant is smiling.

Members shared that plans should be easier for participants to read.

For example, by using plain language.

A plan document, a magnifying glass and someone helping a participant read a document.

Members explained that the NDIA should be clearer when they talk to participants about their plan review.

This would help stop more issues in the future.

An NDIA worker writing on a clipboard. Next to them is a thumbs up and a make better icon.

When the NDIA reviews a plan, they check to see what:

  • works well
  • can be better.

An NDIS document, a dollar sign and a calendar that says '12 months'.

For example, explaining that they get new funding every 12 months.

And how this might affect the supports they use.

An NDIA worker having a meeting with a participant. There is a cross next to them, and a document with a magnifying glass above them.

Members also shared that sometimes the NDIA will cancel review meetings without a reason.

NDIS services and supports

2 providers pointing to themselves. Above them is an icon of a person in restraints and a lock.

Reference Group members explained that the NDIA should think about which providers can support participants with restrictive practices.

Restrictive practices icon: a person in restraints next to a lock.

Restrictive practices are actions that stop people from:

  • moving
  • doing what they want.

A participant with their hands on their head and a cross next to them. Above them is a fist icon.

Providers might use these to stop participants hurting themselves or others.

A provider pointing at themselves, a cross and a document showing 3 providers.

Some people say it’s better for a participant to get this support from providers that aren’t registered with the NDIS.

When a service provider is registered, it means they:

An NDIS plan and a provider supporting a participant.

  • can provide services for people who take part in the NDIS

A rules document with ticks and crosses on it.

  • must follow certain rules the NDIS set.

An information document showing a graph with a dollar sign, and a cross next to it.

Members shared there is not enough clear information about how much supports can cost.

For example, how much supports cost when they’re not in-person.

A child separated from their family. Above the child is a problem icon.

Members explained there are issues for children with disability who can’t live at home with their family.

This includes issues with the way workers from different services:

A provider supporting a child. They are doing a puzzle together.

  • support children during these times

3 providers looking at a document together.

  • work together.

A provider raising their hand, an information document and a cross.

When these issues happen, it can make it harder for workers to get the right information.

And this can make it harder to support them quickly.

A participant holding a plan document. Above them is a speech bubble showing a change icon with a cross.

Members shared that some participants feel like they can’t ask to change who makes their NDIS plan.

An NDIS worker supporting a participant, a safety icon and a cross.

They feel like they don’t get to choose supports that make them feel safe.

A participant using assistive technology.

Members shared that the NDIA have been finding good ways to support more people with disability to use assistive technology.

A computer, a phone, a wheelchair and a prosthetic leg.

Assistive technology might be an aid or piece of equipment.

It can:

A person using assistive technology to access their computer.

  • make it easier to do things, including in your home

A person pointing at themselves and raising their hand next to a safety icon.

  • keep you safe.

NDIS home and living supports

A group of people with disability standing outside with houses in the background. There is a cross next to them.

Reference Group members explained that there is not enough good housing for people with disability.

An information icon with an arrow pointing up next to a home and living supports icon and a hospital. There is an arrow coming out of the hospital's door.

Members shared that people want more information about home and living supports for when people leave hospital.

2 young people in front of a hospital. There is an arrow coming out of the hospital's door.

This includes when young people with disability leave hospital.

They also shared that there needs to be better communication between the:

3 healthcare workers and a health icon.

  • health care services

An NDIS worker holding a document.

  • NDIS services.

An SDA house with an accessible ramp. Next to the house is a disability icon and a make better icon.

Members explained that people want better supports from specialist disability accommodation (SDA).

SDA is housing for people with disability who need extra support most of the time.

An SIL provider supporting a participant with their house behind them. Next to them is a make better icon.

And they also want better supports from supported independent living (SIL).

SIL is help with day-to-day tasks around your home so you can:

  • do things for yourself
  • learn new skills.

3 people behind a bench that says 'NDIA'. There is a speech bubble above them showing a tick and a cross.

This includes decisions the NDIA makes about these supports.

An Aboriginal flag and a Torres Strait Islander flag above 3 people.

These decisions often affect First Nations peoples the most.

A worker supporting a participant. The participant is pointing to a house with a cross.

Members explained that people also want the NDIA to work with other services to support people with disability at risk of becoming homeless.

A person sitting in a gutter next to a large bag.

People who are homeless do not have a home.

They must find a place to sleep each night.

A participant raising their hand with a speech bubble above them. Inside the speech bubble is a home and living supports icon with a cross next to it.

Members explained that some participants don’t speak up about decisions for home and living supports in their plan.

A plan document with a down arrow next to it.

Participants worry they will lose supports from their plan if they do.

An SDA house with an arrow going out the door. Next to the house is a disability icon and a problem icon.

Members shared there are issues when participants leave SDA.

An SDA provider supporting a participant at mealtime.

Sometimes when people leave it affects other participants in the SDA.

This includes people with complex needs who get more care.

An SDA house with an arrow pointing to an SDA group home. There is a disability icon next to it.

And some people who get SDA on their own are being moved to group homes.

This means they live with other people who also need SDA support.

A supports document showing a list with dollar signs.

The NDIA has rules about how much NDIS supports can cost.

A calendar that reads 'one year'. Next to it is a magnifying glass.

And they review this each year.

An SDA house. Next to it is a disability icon and a dollar symbol with a down arrow.

Members explained people worry that the rules about cost will be too low for SDA.

An SDA provider and a participant using a laptop together.

This will affect how SDA providers support participants.

2 ILO providers supporting a participant at home.

Individualised Living Options (ILO) is a way of setting up the support you want at home.

An NDIS document, a dollar sign an arrow pointing up.

Members shared that participants should get more funding for ILO supports since the cost of living is higher.

An SIL document and an arrow pointing up.

The rules about cost went up 9% for SIL last year.

An ILO document and a cross.

But ILO didn’t go up at all.