Improving our advice

A person writing. Above them is an advice document, a thumbs up icon and an arrow pointing up.

Reference Group members shared ways we can improve how we write our advice for the NDIA.

2 people having a conversation.

Members shared that when we give advice, we should keep working with others to learn what the community needs.

For example, listening to leaders from:

3 people with the Aboriginal flag and the Torres Strait Islander flag above them.

  • First Nations communities

A large group of people. Above them are 3 speech bubbles that say 'Hello' in 3 different languages.

  • CALD communities

A group of people and the LGBTIQA+ flag.

  • LGBTIQA+ communities.

A person thinking next to an advice document.

Members worry about how well the NDIA will follow our advice.

An NDIA worker supporting a participant. Above them is a thumbs up icon and an arrow pointing up.

They want the NDIA to follow the advice to:

  • improve the NDIA
  • support participants in better ways.

A report document next to a person looking at a document.

Members also explained that now the NDIA shares reports on how they use our advice.