What happened in the last meeting?

An image of Leah van Poppel.

Leah van Poppel ran the last meeting.

She is the Council’s Principal Member.

She’s also a member of the NDIA Board.

3 people behind a podium that says 'NDIA'.

The NDIA Board is a group of people who make decisions about all parts of the NDIA.

A calendar that says '22 February 2023'.

The meeting was held on 22 February 2023.

An NDIA worker with a speech bubble and next to them is a person. They are both behind a computer screen.

Leah shared that the NDIA Board will have a meeting in March.

A group of diverse people with disability and an arrow curving around them.

They will talk about our advice about how to make the NDIS more inclusive.

When the NDIS is inclusive, everyone feels:

  • included
  • like they belong.

What did Mr Kurt Fearnley AO share?

An image of Kurt Fearnley AO.

Mr Kurt Fearnley AO is the Chairperson of the NDIA Board.

This means he runs the NDIA Board.

An NDIS worker holding a clipboard. Next to them is a birthday cake and calendar that says '10 years'.

He explained that in July the NDIS will be 10 years old.

3 people with different disabilities in front of an NDIS document.

Kurt shared that the NDIA now has people with disability as leaders.

He wants to make sure the NDIA is a good place for people with disability to work.

What did Ms Rebecca Falkingham share?

An image of Rebecca Falkingham.

Ms Rebecca Falkingham is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the NDIA.

This means she runs the NDIA.

An NDIA worker wearing glasses and using a phone.

She told us the NDIA are working on hiring more people with disability at the NDIA.

An NDIS document and services icon with a thumbs up icon.

The NDIA want to make sure the NDIS works well with other services.

So they are using what they learned about supporting people with disability when they leave hospital.

3 people with different disabilities raising their hands. Above them is a services icon.

The NDIA will focus on making sure there are lots of disability services that can support people with disability.

A group of people creating something on a board.

They will also focus on co-design.

Co-design is when people work together to plan something new.