The IAC’s Principal Member

Leah van Poppel.

Ms Leah van Poppel is the IAC’s Principal Member.

She is also the Reference Group Co-Chair.

This means she helps run the Reference Group.

Leah waving hello.

Leah welcomed old and new members to the Reference Group.

A calendar that says '1 July 2023' with an arrow pointing to a calendar that says '31 December 2024'.

Members will work with the Reference Group from:

  • 1 July 2023


  • 31 December 2024.

Leah next to a Co-Chair. Above them is a badge that says 'New'.

Leah explained she will find a new Co-Chair to the Reference Group.

A minister behind a bench that says 'NDIS'.

She will do this after the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) shares who the new members of the IAC are.

A minister leads an area of the government.

Leah shared the work done since the last meeting by:

3 people behind a bench that says 'IAC'.

  • the IAC

A group of people beneath 2 speech bubbles. 2 people are raising their hands.

  • the IAC Reference Group.

A document showing a baby and a thumbs up.

This includes their work on their advice for the NDIA.

It’s called Improving the NDIS for children and young people: the importance of being guided by their voice.

An NDIA worker holding a clipboard beneath a thought bubble.

The IAC are waiting for the NDIA to share their thoughts about what they will do to support the advice.