What did our Council Members share?

A diverse group of people with a problem icon.

Our Council Members connect with the community to find out about issues that affect them.

A group of 3 people and a speech bubble with a problem icon.

Our Council Members shared these issues with the NDIA.

The community

2 people giving 2 thumbs up and a work plan icon above them.

Council Members shared that the community is happy with our Work Plan for 2022 to 2023.

Our Work Plan explains the work we will do each year.

A group of diverse participants with different disabilities.

Council members explained that people don’t know how the NDIS Commission supports participants.

Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

An NDIS worker supporting a person with an arrow pointing down.

Some people also think the NDIS Commission might give them less support.

But this is not true.

A Workforce Capability Framework icon.

Council Members talked about the NDIS Workforce Capability Framework.

The framework explains how people must behave when they support NDIS participants.

A person reading a document with a Workforce Capability Framework icon.

Council Members explained how the framework can help participants know what to expect from their services and supports.

How the NDIA works

2 people filling out paperwork together.

Council Members explained that the NDIA has a chance to stop people doing the wrong thing with funding.

A person pointing to themselves with a problem icon.

Some people are more at risk than others.

This includes:

3 women with different disabilities and a disability icon.

  • women with disability

A group of diverse people.

  • people with disability who come from different backgrounds.

2 people shaking hands.

Council Members think the NDIA should hire more people with disability.

Intellectual disability icon.

This includes people with intellectual disability.

An intellectual disability can affect how you:

  • learn new things
  • solve problems
  • communicate
  • do some things on your own.

A person shaking hands with someone in a wheelchair. They are in an office.

The NDIA has a chance to show other organisations they can do this too.

3 people behind a podium that says 'First Nations Advisory Council'.

Council Members also explained that the NDIA is starting a First Nations Advisory Group.

They will give advice to the NDIA Board about issues that affect First Nations peoples.

2 people shaking hands with an important icon above them.

It is important that we work together with the First Nations Advisory Group.

An icon of a hand holding a candle with a COVID-19 icon.

Council Members also shared that the community want the NDIA to share how many participants have died from COVID-19.

NDIS supports

A person supporting someone using a laptop. Above them is an icon of a builder and an icon of a hairdresser.

Council Members explained that people with disability need support to find and keep a job at different times in their life.

Not just when they are young.

An icon of a person at 3 different ages. An arrow points from the younger age to the older age.

We will talk about this when we give our advice to the NDIA about ‘Participants who are ageing’.

A group of diverse people with disability and an arrow curving around them.

Organisations who hire people with disability need to be more inclusive.

When something is inclusive, everyone feels:

  • included
  • like they belong.

This includes:

An icon of a business.

  • businesses

A government building.

  • governments.

They should share more information in:

A document with an information icon.

  • plain English

An Easy Read document icon.

  • Easy Read.

An icon of a person training 2 people on supporting people. One person has their arm raised and next to them is an arrow pointing up.

Council Members also explained that some people who support participants need more training to support people with disability.

An icon of a person training 2 people on supporting mental health. In the bottom corner is an arrow pointing up.

Support workers need more training to meet the needs of people with disability who need support with their mental health.

A LAC next to a map with a location pin.

Local area coordinators (LACs) also need more training to support people with disability.

An LAC is someone who helps people with disability:

  • join and use the NDIS
  • find community services.

NDIS supports for children

A playground with a lock icon.

Council Members explained that some local councils lock accessible playgrounds.

Accessibility icon.

When something is accessible, it is easy to:

  • use
  • move around in.

Damaged playground swing.

They lock playgrounds because they worry people will damage them.

A parent with their arm around their child. Above them is an icon of a playground with a cross.

Local councils should understand it can be hard for parents of children with disability to get to an accessible playground.

And when the playground is locked, they can’t use it.

A child pointing to themselves. Above them is an icon of an NDIS worker supporting a child with a change icon.

Council Members explained that the support the NDIS provides changes when children are 6 years old.

A person thinking with a thought bubble and the number 1.

But the NDIA does this in different ways.

Council Members think there should be one way to do this.

A documents folder with a disability icon and magnifying glass.

Sometimes children need evidence of their disability to take part in the NDIS.

Evidence is proof that something is true.

Getting evidence can cost a lot of money.

A person with their thumb down.

Council Members think this is not fair.

And it costs a lot of money because there isn’t another way to get the evidence families need.

An NDIS worker supporting a child and a cross.

Council Members worry about how the NDIS stops providing support to children.

3 people looking at a laptop together and above them is a cross.

Sometimes the NDIA doesn’t tell families that it will happen.

A person supporting someone use a laptop. Above them is an icon of a person supporting someone with a cross.

And they don’t help them find other supports.

NDIS plans

An NDIS document with a calendar that has an arrow pointing to the right. Next to it is a dollar sign icon with an arrow pointing down.

Council Members worry about participants who might get less funding for their plan in the future.

A plan document with a calendar that says '3 years'.

Council Members explained that some participants get a plan for 3 years.

An NDIS document with a dollar sign and  a calendar with a chart. The chart is 3 quarters full.

But their funding is for supports that only last part of that time.

A person holding a document with a plan document icon above them.

Some participants manage their own plan.

A person writing on a document and a plan document icon with a change icon above them.

But sometimes the NDIA changes their plan so someone else manages it.

2 people sharing with each other and above them is a cross.

Sometimes the NDIA does not tell participants that:

  • this will happen
  • they can ask the NDIA to check their decision was right.

A person supporting someone read a document. Above them is a thumbs up with an arrow pointing to a map of Australia with north of Australia highlighted.

Council Members shared that people are happy with how the NDIA communicates with the community about planning in the north of Australia.

Home and living

An icon of a Specialist Disability Accommodation with an arrow pointing to a map of Australia with north of Australia highlighted. Below is a disability icon.

Council Members explained that a lot of people want to build Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) in the north of Australia.

A home with an accessible ramp and a disability icon.

SDA is accessible housing for people with disability.

But the SDA they want to build does not:

A person giving a thumbs down. Above them is an icon of a home with an accessible ramp and a disability icon.

  • meet the needs of participants

3 different houses, 2 of the houses have accessibility ramps. A hand is pointing to one of the houses.

  • let participants choose where they live.

A builder and a person wearing glasses. Above them is a speech bubble with a map of Australia.

Builders should talk to the disability community about where to build SDA.