Update on the NDIA Children’s Taskforce

3 people standing behind a bench that says 'Children's Taskforce'.

The NDIA gave an update to the Reference Group about their work on their Children’s Taskforce.

2 children, a baby and a NDIS document.

The Children’s Taskforce will focus on children 0‑14 years old who take part in the NDIS.

And it will support these children during different stages of their life.

The Aboriginal flag and the Torres Strait Islander flag above 3 people.

Reference Group members shared that the NDIA needs to learn from First Nations communities.

They are getting good results for children and young people.

Members also shared that the NDIA needs to find ways to work with other supports, including:

A group of families listening to someone speak.

  • community supports

2 parents and a child having a conversation a government worker.

  • other government supports.

3 icons: 2 crayons, a lightbulb and 3 building blocks that say 'ABC'.

They should focus on supports that help children learn new skills.

A document showing a person supporting someone and an arrow pointing up.

Members explained that most parents of children with disability learn how to support their child from other parents.

This means there should be more peer support programs for parents.

A state and territory government building.

Members shared that they want to know how the Children’s Taskforce will work with state and territory governments.

An adult supporting a young person.

This includes how they will work together to make sure children and young people get the support they need.

A plan document.

Members also shared that the Children's Taskforce should focus on the role of parents and carers.

They should do this in NDIS plans.

A document showing a change icon and a list.

Members shared that the NDIA should change some of the words they use to explain the Children’s Taskforce.

A family of 2 parents and 2 children. They are all smiling.

Member explained when the NDIA supports families, they should focus on what the family needs.

This is important to help children grow and develop.

3 young people pointing at themselves beneath a sign that says '14 to 25'.

Members shared that the NDIA needs to make a Children’s Taskforce for young people 14‑25 years old.