Our reports

2 community members having a conversation with a Reference Group member. Above the 2 community members is a problem icon inside of a speech bubble.

The Reference Group connected with the community to find out about issues that affect them.

A Reference Group member having a conversation with an NDIA worker. Above the reference group member is a problem icon inside of a speech bubble.

The Reference Group members shared these issues with the NDIA.

What did the reports talk about?

NDIS plans

A person holding a document showing a disability icon.

Reference Group members shared that people with intellectual disability must prove their disability to the NDIS a lot of times.

An NDIS worker supporting a younger person next to an NDIS document and a problem icon.

And it’s harder for younger people with intellectual disability to join the NDIS.

A person giving 2 thumbs up next to an NDIS document.

Members explained that it should be easier for people with intellectual disability to join the NDIS.

This includes people with intellectual disability who:

The Aboriginal flag and the Torres Strait Islander flag above 3 First Nations people.

  • are First Nations peoples

A large group of people from different backgrounds.

  • come from different backgrounds

A person having a conversation with a police officer. The police officer is behind a bench.

  • have contact with the justice system.

A police officer, a law document and a gavel.

The justice system includes:

  • police
  • the courts
  • the law
  • prisons.

An Easy Read document.

Members shared that people want more documents to be easy to read.

For example, Easy Read versions.

This includes information about:

An NDIS document and a person reading a document.

  • how the NDIS works

A plan document showing a list.

  • NDIS plans.

A person giving a thumbs up next to a person supporting someone.

It’s important for people with disability to understand the supports in their plan.

This can help them to:

A person thinking beneath a tick and a cross inside of a thought bubble.

  • make decisions for themselves

A person supporting someone.

  • use their supports how they want.

2 documents. One document shows a green tick and a grey cross. The other document shows a grey tick and a red cross.

Members shared that decisions about plans are not always the same.

3 icons inside of a circle next to an arrow splitting off in 3 directions. The icons are: a van, a rolling pin and whisk, and an NDIS worker supporting a participant.

This means participants get different services even though they need the same support.

A group of participants. 2 are raising their hands.

Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

A stack of money next to a support coordinator having a conversation on the phone.

Members explained that some support coordinators will make phone calls for participants.

And they charge participants money for this when they shouldn’t.

A participant, a support coordinator and a plan document.

A support coordinator is someone who helps participants plan and use their supports.

2 people watching a support coordinator give a presentation. Next to them is a thumbs up and an arrow pointing up.

Members also explained that support workers need better training so they know how to support people with intellectual disability.

NDIS services and supports

A provider supporting someone and a problem icon.

Reference Group members shared there are issues with the way providers offer services to people with disability.

3 providers.

Providers support people with disability by delivering a service.

A participant, a support coordinator and a plan document. Above them is a cross.

Members also shared that there are not enough support coordinators for participants who need extra support.

A JLO, an NDIS document and a prison building.

Members explained that people with disability who have contact with the justice system should be able to use Justice Liaison Officers (JLOs).

JLOs support prisons to understand how they can use the NDIS.

A person raising their hand and an NDIS document.

This can help people prove that they need to take part in the NDIS.

A person supporting someone on a farm and a problem icon.

Members shared there are issues with how people find and use services when they live very far away from cities.

A person supporting someone between a thumbs down and a thumbs up.

This also includes issues with how well services work for some people with disability.

For example, people with intellectual disability.

A person in restraints next to a locked padlock.

Members shared that some people with intellectual disability experience restrictive practices.

And this happens without their control.

A person swinging their arms around and a cross.

Restrictive practices are actions that stop people from:

  • moving
  • doing what they want.

A hand holding a house and a problem icon.

Members explained there are issues with home and living supports.

A group of people and a cross in front of a row of houses.

For example, issues with not enough housing.

A person raising their hand below 2 icons. The icons are a house and a person supporting someone else.

There are also issues with providers:

  • owning the housing
  • and
  • delivering the supports.

A hand holding a house, an arrow pointing up and a problem icon.

Members also explained that some people with intellectual disability have more issues with housing supports.

A participant giving a thumbs up next to a goals document showing a list with ticks.

Members shared that when the NDIA improves home and living supports it will help participants reach their goals.

A computer, a test document and a thumbs up.

Members also explained that some people thought testing the new computer system in Tasmania worked well.

A person giving a thumbs down.

But some people thought it didn’t work well at all.

A person using a laptop beneath an information icon and an arrow pointing up.

Members shared there should be more information to help people with intellectual disability report fraud.

A person raising their finger to say 'Shh', a credit card and a dollar sign on a bag.

Fraud is something someone plans to do that is not honest.

Fraud is a crime.

For example, if a provider charges someone for a service they didn’t receive.

NDIS providers

A behaviour support practitioner supporting someone.

Behaviour support practitioners help people with disability to:

  • live a better life
  • manage stressful situations better.

A behaviour support practitioner writing in a document next to an icon of a behaviour support practitioner using a laptop with a participant. Above them is a cross.

Reference Group members shared that some practitioners make behaviour support plans without meeting participants.

A person thinking next to an icon of an NDIS worker supporting someone. Above them is a good quality icon.

Members explained that people with disability have problems getting the same quality of support from different workers.

A group of health professionals taking notes in a meeting.

Members shared that health professionals need more training on how to better support people with intellectual disability.

A dentist beneath an information icon inside of a speech bubble.

For example, dentists can share information about other services that can help people stay healthy.

The community

A hand putting a vote into a box.

Members shared that people with intellectual disability want to use their rights to vote.

A law document that says 'Rights'.

Rights are rules about how people must treat you:

  • fairly
  • equally.

A person supporting someone, a document that says 'Program' and a magnifying glass.

And they also want to use their right to check the programs and services they use.

A stack of money with an arrow pointing to an NDIS document.

The Australian Government shared how much money they plan to give the NDIS.

A person scratching their head and looking confused.

Members explained people worry about the information they shared.

A large group of people beneath a question mark inside of a thought bubble.

They worry the Australian Government hasn’t explained this information well for:

  • people with disability
  • and
  • their community.

Other services and supports

A services building next to an NDIS building. Both buildings have arrows pointing to a question mark.

Reference Group members shared people worry about how the NDIS works with other services.

For example, other services that support:

3 health professionals and a healthcare icon.

  • health

A person in front of a house.

  • housing

Someone reading a book in front of a school building.

  • education.

A health professional having a conversation with 2 other service providers.

Members also shared that these services need to work together when they offer supports.

This includes supports that are fair for people with intellectual disability in the justice system.

An NDIS worker supporting someone.

And they should support people with intellectual disability to use NDIS supports during this time.

A person thinking beneath 2 thought bubbles. One thought bubble shows an NDIS worker. The other thought bubble shows 3 people behind a bench.

Members explained sometimes there are gaps in how people understand:

  • what the NDIS does
  • what the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission does.

3 people behind a bench that says 'NDIS Commission'.

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission makes sure participants:

  • are safe
  • get good services.

In this bulletin we call them the NDIS Commission.

A document that says 'Behaviour support plan' and a tick.

This includes their role to make sure people use behaviour support plans for participants.

A service provider supporting someone in front of an aged care building. There is also an arrow pointing up next to a thumbs up.

Members shared that younger people with disability living in aged care need better services and supports.