A message from the Council’s Principal Member

A photo of Ms Leah van Poppel.

Ms Leah van Poppel is the Council’s Principal Member.

She is also the Reference Group Co-Chair.

This means she helps run the Reference Group.

A group of people in a meeting.

Leah shared that the work the Reference Group has done since their last meeting will help give advice to the NDIA.

A person supporting someone else. There is a thought bubble above their head and a thumbs up icon nearby.

This advice aims to improve positive behaviour supports.

Positive behaviour supports are ways to support how a participant acts or behaves.

A group of workers looking at a laptop.

Council are still working on this advice.

A photo of Ms Rebecca Falkingham.

Leah said the NDIA will have a new CEO soon.

The new CEO will be Ms Rebecca Falkingham.

The Inclusion Australia logo.

Leah welcomed people from Inclusion Australia to the meeting.

Two people working on a laptop together.

Inclusion Australia is:

  • a disability organisation
  • helping the NDIA with co-design.

A group of people working on an ideas board.

Co-design is when people work together to plan something new.